HR Management

Does Globalization Standardize Management Principles?

During my university years, I came across Geert Hofstede’s work, “Culture’s Consequences:
International Differences in Work-Related Values.” Although the study has faced criticism at
certain points, it presented significant insights for someone striving to understand different
cultures. In today’s world, where the general trend seems to lean towards transforming the
different into a diluted version rather than cherishing diversity, it is important to think about
what might be better, and criticism plays a crucial role in this process.

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HR Management

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Human Resources Management Processes

Human resources management plays a critical role in the success of any organization. HR
processes such as recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and leadership require
effective management of the workforce. Emotional intelligence is a concept that is often
overlooked within traditional management styles but has gained increasing recognition for
its significance in today’s world. When defined, “emotional intelligence refers to emotional
skills such as emotional awareness, empathy, self-regulation, and the ability to manage social relationships.” These skills can significantly impact workplace relationships,
communication, and job performance. 

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HR Management

Future HR Strategies

Today’s business world operates in an environment of constant change and evolution. These
transformations require employers and HR professionals to manage their work more
effectively. This is precisely where the concept of “Digital Transformation in Human
Resources” comes into play. In this article, we’d like to discuss what digital transformation
means in the field of HR and how this change brings value to both employers and

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